Conquest and Empire: A Letter to George about Iran.
So, here we are again, yet another country that needs to go, Iran. Country number 3 on the Axis of Evil. Next up, North Korea. But let’s talk about Persia, shall we? Hey, aren’t we already bogged down in a war in the deserts of Iraq? Aren’t we already fighting in Afghanistan against the Taliban? Didn’t we create enough terrorists with both of these wars of American Imperialism, we need the country in between to control the world’s Oil supply? How fucking stupid can you get George? How fucking idiotic can you be? I still can’t fucking believe that this asshole is our president. How stupid did we become as a nation to allow this shit to happen twice? TWICE! But I’m going to be nice for a moment, and talk openly to King George for a minute. Man to man. Citizen to President.
Mr. Bush.
Listen, I know you really want to control the world. I would too if I had your power. But take a cue from Stan Lee. “With great power comes great responsibility.” I know you have the power. You command the world’s greatest military. You have “nucular” weapons. You could obliterate entire countries on a whim. You have men who will jump in front of a bullet for you, guarding you at all times. I know that kind of power must be intoxicating, I really do. I, as John. Q. Public, could never imagine having that much power. But here’s the thing about power.
Having it, and using it for the right goals, is where the responsible part comes into play. Sure, Iran is ruled by people with a different ideology than you. I mean, you worship a zombie, and they worship some prophet. Am I mistaken or do both of these guys preach about peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness? And the way you feel about your lord, and the way you invoke his name all the time, one would think that you would have gotten it by now. So how do you justify the killings of innocent citizens in Iraq? How do you justify the torture camps you have set up around the world? And how do you justify lying to the American public to sell a war that has killed thousands? Is this the will of Jesus? Or is it your own personal crusade against the Muslim world? Maybe, you want the oil, perhaps? I think it’s just that. So hear me out.
We don’t need another intractable war that’s going to cost thousands of American lives. We really don’t. First off, you have two stunningly major problems. Money and resources. Where are you going to find the money to pay for yet another war? China? Get further in debt? How are you going to pay for it? My kids are already going to have to pay off the Iraq war until they die. Do you want my grandchildren to pay for another foray into the desert? How fucking selfish can you be? But I digress. Sorry, I got a little hotheaded there. I’ll remain civil now. Second, you have the resources problem.
Let me give you a little lesson in history, since you seem to have failed to grasp the concept in school. During World War II, in which your father fought, I think I remember correctly, Adolph Hitler was trying to take over the world. He thought he was the only one in the world who knew how to run it perfectly. So, he started war after war after war against France, England, Russia, Africa, and pretty much all the countries around the Mediterranean. He was flying high there for a few years. He even had a good handle on things, but you know what? It failed. Why? He ran out of resources. He ran out of manpower. He ran out of money.
So, what happened? He lost the war. Even though he was convinced up to the end that he was right, he lost. So why am I bringing this up? Because I think you are going down the same road militarily, and I want to warn you. Please, don’t.
Now, I know you think you are right about this one. But first, where is the money going to come from? Where are the soldiers going to come from? With ever declining recruitment into your military, where are you going to go for troops? Other countries? Do you really think other countries will want to give up their children for your crusade? I don’t think so. If they didn’t do it for your first jaunt into the Persian sandbox, they won’t do it again. No matter how much diplomacy and money you pay them, they won’t do it. It goes back to the “fool me once, can’t fool me again,” thing. So, what do you do then? Institute a draft? Let me tell you something right now. Do this, and you will finally have a rebellion on your hands. And I’ll be the first to tell you right now, so you listen, and listen good. I have 2 teenagers, a son and a daughter. In about two or three years they will be eligible for military service. You will not get them under any circumstances. You hear me? NEVER will I allow my children to join your foolish crusade in the desert for control of the world’s oil resources. Never. So don’t ask. And here’s the thing about that.
I know of several thousand other people who feel the same way. And these people are in the 70% who disapprove of the job you are doing. So almost three quarters of the Americans in the world don’t like you policies, shouldn’t that be a message to start listening to this majority? Or did you fail math as well? Maybe that’s obvious when one looks at the estimates for how much the Iraq war was going to cost. That one has come in WAY over budget. Do you really want to explain to the American public why the next one is going to come in way over budget too?
So, how are you going to sell this war to us, George? Terrorism? Nucular weapons? Ties to the 9/11 plot? Fear? Let me explain something to you. The American public is starting to get wise to this brand of fear mongering. We are starting to figure out things, sir. We are starting to figure out the lies, the stories, and the real reasons you want to continue your romp in the desert playground. We’re on you sir, and its high time you started listening to us. Because one day, you might not have this job anymore, and that day may be coming sooner than you think. You invade Iran, and you may be looking at Impeachment. The big “I” word. Looming ever present in every thing you do. We’re watching you like a hawk, and it’s only going to take a few more straws to break that camel’s back. Invading Iran is going to be one of those last straws.
So, what can you do to turn things around? First, why not try a little compassion? Why not try listening for a change? Why not try to talk to Iran first and see what they are really up to before you jump to conclusions? You are a diplomat aren’t you? Isn’t that part of being the ruler of one of the greatest nations in the world? Isn’t that part of the job description you were hired to do?
Second, why not try to help out the citizens of this country? We have an ever widening gap between poor and rich. The middle class is slowly shrinking. The jobs you are supposedly creating are not paying the bills. People have to get three and four jobs just to make ends meet. Lowering taxes on the rich to spread the wealth to the poor isn’t cutting it. This model has been used by presidents before and it never worked, so why do you think it will work for you? Give a wealthy guy a tax break and he’s going to buy a yacht with that money, not give it to some poor family so they can make their rent that month. Sure, maybe one or two might give to some charity, but that’s not going to help. You think by giving rich guys who own businesses a tax cut they are going to hire more people? No! These folks are going to put that money in banks, and save it, or put it in the stock market to make more money so they can screw the poor that much more. Here’s a thought, how about giving poor people a tax break? Sure I know that the Earned Income Credit is good for them and all, but let’s just say that you gave everyone who earned under 20 grand a year total forgiveness from taxes for one year. People in that income bracket don’t have to pay taxes at all. Think of how much money would be spent to good use, how many people would be out of debt? How many people would be adding to the Gross Domestic Product instead of taking from it? Just a year is all we’re asking.
You do that, and I think your approval numbers would jump through the roof. But I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon. You’re too narrow minded. You still don’t get it. There are still too many rich guys you are beholden to in order to be compassionate and kind. Hence your new gesticulations toward Iran. So why don’t you come right out and tell us the truth about your new aims against Mesopotamia? Its all about the oil. We know that, you know that, and you know we know that. So why the lies? We aren’t that stupid George. We are getting wise to you, just to let you know.
Fool us once, you can’t fool us again.
Thanks for listening,
So, I know that King George will never read this, nor will he listen should he somehow find this note on the web and read it. I’m just an average guy who is filling the information superhighway with so much more clutter. But I would love for it to happen, I really would. I would really like to have faith in our government that they listen to the will of the people, but I’ve lost my faith. Americans need to get off their asses and do something about the way our government is acting right now. Put the potato chips down, turn off American Idol, and fucking do something! Are we that fat and lazy as a Body Public to do what needs to be done to take our country back? Why are we letting our country be controlled by these money grubbing fucks? Oh wait, we’ve got to vote on the next new pop star. We can’t be bothered to go vote for who runs our country, that takes too much time and effort. We’d rather just pick up the phone and dial it in.
“Honey, hand me that bag of fritos over there, I like Tristan better than that cute redneck girl. Give me the phone while yer at it. What’s that? Tomorrow’s voting day? Aw hell that means I have to get in the car and drive down the street, wait in line for an hour, and pick the lesser of two evils. Naah, I’d rather just pick up the phone and dial it in.”
Have we really gotten that lazy? When more people vote for the next American Idol instead of the President and Rulers of the country, it’s sad to say I think we have. And that’s why I’ve lost faith in Americans too. Here endeth the rant.