Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Do we really need an iPhone?

Okay, frivolous lawsuit rant coming up. This is another reason I have lost hope in Americans these days, and really probably should move to another country. Sigh. So here goes:

A woman this week has sued Apple Computers over the recent price reduction of the iPhones. They came out in June, and two months later they reduce the price by 200 bucks. No big deal. Happens all the time. That’s why a person WAITS for the shiny new gadget to come out and get worked on by the general public before they buy it. Now leading up to the release of the iPhone, one heard all kinds of miracle claims that it was going to revolutionize the cell phone internet, business on the go industry. But for the most part, it’s just a shiny new gadget that no one really needs anyway.

Here’s the thing about new technology. Do we really need it? Mrs. Dogmei Li, did you really NEED an iphone? Does anyone really need one? I have a cell phone. I use it to call people, play a little poker ever now and then, maybe send a text message every now and again, and receive calls from friends. It works. It’s basic, simple, and I like it. You know what? It only cost me 50 bucks. Does all the same things an iPhone does and I didn’t spend 500 bucks. I didn’t wait outside the apple store at midnight on the day of the thing’s release, didn’t camp out for days waiting to see the wonderful new shiny gadget, and didn’t lose any sleep waiting for my phone to come out. I went to the store, got a cell phone, got a basic plan, and went on about my day. Simple, easy peasy, no problems.

Why on earth would anyone do this? Lady, this happens all the time. They said they would refund the 200 bucks, is this not enough for you? Now you are suing for 1,000,000 dollars. That’s quite a far cry from 200 dollars isn’t it? WHY!? To send a message? This will rank up there with stupidity like the Macdonalds coffee lady. Lady, you got ripped off. You went out and bought an iPhone on the very first day and felt proud of yourself. You probably showed it off to all your friends as a vanity show. I can see you now, “look at me,” you say. “I got an iPhone, aren’t I special.” No, you’re not. You suck. You screwed up by being impatient and vain and you want Apple to pay you for your stupidity. Fuck off, I hope someone steals your precious new wonderful piece of shit iPhone, just to show you what a fucking idiot you are.

And I’ve used an iPhone. You know what? It sucks! Really. The internet option hardly works all the time, the buttons are too small for your fingers, so you end up misspelling words most of the time, the browser is so tiny I had to use my reading glasses just to see, and you know what? There’s really nothing on the internet that I can’t wait until I get home to see, so why would anyone need this? And that brings up one of the purposes of this rant.

Why have we as a country decided to go about our lives acquiring all the useless shit peddled by the technocorps? Wasn’t life simple enough with just normal basic cell phones? Even before cell phones, people got a lot of stuff done. They went to work and used the phones there. They went home, and used their own phones. They didn’t feel the need to talk to someone with a gadget stuck to their ears 24/7. When did we get so fucking self important that we needed to be connected to everyone in our lives on a minute by minute basis? Where’s the down time? Where’s the stop and smell the roses and sit on the porch with your family and friends time? Where did that go?

And here’s another thing that pisses me off about the cell phone industry. Okay, we have your phones, and they work just fine. Who are these fucks that need a headset in their ear so when they walk down the street and you don’t see it, they look like they are talking to themselves? You ever see these jack offs? Are you so obsessed with yourself you need to feel like an important guy? These are the same fucks that complain about their steak not being cooked right, or the ones that suck on cigars while they carve up the world into little pieces and fuck the little guy that much more.

But I digress. I started by talking about this woman who wants to sue the Apple Corp. and I ended up with a rant about jackoffs and their cell phones. The real point I wanted to make before I ended up getting upset, was that we don’t really need the shiny new gadgets. We have gadgets that work, that are acceptable, and reasonably priced. Why do we need the shiniest, newest, and brightest Thing when the things we have do the same job and are cheaper?


Sorry, had to scream that just to wake you folks up to the fact that 60-90 guys are dying every month in Iraq and Afghanistan just so you can complain about your overpriced gadget purchase. Why is it so hard for folks to understand that? Have we been so numbed in society that we forget these facts? Or have we become so selfish we don’t want to see the real big picture of what’s happening in the world so we deaden our minds to the cold hard realities of life by buying useless shit we don’t need at over inflated prices just to add to the gross domestic product of the Unites States? Whew…

So, Mrs. Li, you got raped by Apple. You bought into the hysteria, got the shiny overpriced gadget, and then got screwed by the global corporate Fuck machine. Get over it. Look at the bigger picture. Take the 200 bucks they are offering and learn from your mistake. Not everything shiny and new is necessary when the thing you have works just fine. Sorry, hate to say it, but that’s the truth. Here endeth the rant.


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