Friday, July 21, 2006

Red Party Distractions and Conduct unbecoming a Statesman

Okay, it’s been a while, but I think now I have seen it all. It is amazing what causes people get behind as if these causes were the most important thing in the world to discuss. I’m speaking of gay marriage, banning flag burning, and stem cell research. I mean here we are, at the beginning of a major war that could cause the deaths of thousands of innocent people around the world. Currently Israel is attacking Lebanon and a terror organization that wants to bring them down. We have a war in Iraq that is killing citizens all over that country, and by all rights can be classified as a civil war.
Hundreds of children across the country go without food, we are paying record amounts for a gallon of gas, the environment is going to hell and we see no way of stopping the downhill slide of our over consumption of natural resources in this planet. We as Americans are addicted to oil, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and other hazardous chemicals, and there seems to be little being done about it. And yet, here we are, in congress, the senate, and on religious websites and news shows, talking about gay marriage bans, stem cell research bans, and flag burning bans.
Shouldn’t we be discussing a ban on WAR?!! Especially an illegal war with a country that didn’t have anything to do with attacking us? What are our leaders thinking? I guess they aren’t. Now a lot has been said about the gay marriage initiative. When did this country lose sight of inclusion and all men being equal? It’s all well and good for normal people like men and women to get married, have kids, raise a family, get a mortgage, join the PTA and live a happy life like cracker whitey suburbanites, but it isn’t good for two gay men or two gay women to do the same thing? How is that affecting you? How is that affecting the institution of marriage? And why of all things should it warrant a congressional bill to ban such a thing? When did the puritans start ruling the roost again? Didn’t they die out during the 1700s? The idea that all men are created equal works for Steve and Dianne, but not for Joe and Jack? Fuck that! Grow up and get with the new century. Besides, we’re talking what maybe 10% of the entire community of the country that is actually homosexual? And of that 10% you are trying to do away with maybe 1% of the population of gay people who want to actually tie the knot? Okay, let’s work on the numbers. We recently crossed the threshold of 3 hundred million people in the US. So 10% is 3,000,000. I’m sure that most of those are kids, old people, handicapped, etc, so we’ll take out half of them, just to be sure. Maybe bring the number to 1,500,000. Okay, so now, let’s go to the percentage of gay folks that actually want to tie the knot. I’ll give it 1% just because that’s the national average, give or take a percentage or two either way. Now these numbers may or may not be correct, but I’m using this for the sake of argument. I’m sure not every gay person wants to get married. Some of them just want to party and have fun and live life. So, getting back to the 1%: that leaves what 15,000 folks wanting to get married. now, if all of these people find love and get hitched, what do we have 7,500 gay married couples going about their business and having a great time together, living together and adding to the GDP of the country in the form of items of domestic living such as houses, cars, and trinkets to beautify the home.
So lets go to the numbers with the rest of heterosexual land. Of the 3 hundred million people in this country, take out 3,000,000. that leaves 297,000,00 people. Fully half of those are married, so we’ll have over 150 million married people in this country. I fail to see how 7500 gay couples match up to that amount. That’s like France feeling threatened by Andorra. It ain’t gonna happen. So get over it, let the gays have their marriage, and get on to a new topic to ban, like the war in the middle east that’s costing innocent lives and huge amounts of future taxpayer dollars.
Next: Stem Cell research bans. WTF? Okay, it’s an embryo in a dish. Using that embryo to help save thousands of lives is a small price to pay. We’re talking about curing diseases here, not the sanctity of life and every child is sacred. Sure, I agree that children are a true gem in the world, the paragons of the future civilization, etc. but these are frozen eggs, and no one has any emotional attachment to them at all. There’s no woman pining over her lost egg, no man wishing and wanting a son hoping to be grown in a lab, none of that. These are simply eggs that are being used to further the cause of life saving medical technology. HOW IS THIS A BAD THING? And why does a president decide that this is the bill he’s going to Veto? And senator Brownback, just shut the fuck up already. Posters from kids with talking embryos and eggs is bullshit. You know it, I know it, and the rest of the country knows it. Do yourself a favor, sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and stop making an ass of yourself already. Once again, the puritans are starting to rule the roost. We can’t let that happen, folks. We really can’t. And am I wrong, or do millions of women every month expel eggs from their reproductive organs? How come no one is lamenting all of those eggs and trying to ban the menstrual cycle? This attitude that every life is sacred only works until the kid grows up to be 18 and then is taken into the brutal republican Bush war machine. Fuck that, not my kids. Sorry George.
Now, I’m as patriotic as the next guy, but there comes a point when it goes overboard. Take the flag burning ban, and bills in congress to stop this from happening. Doesn’t this go back to the first amendment, free speech, etc? I understand the reverence for the flag, I really do. Thousands of men and women died to give us that symbol of our nation, and it burns me up when anyone decides to put one to the torch. However, those men and women died for our basic freedoms as well. And one of those freedoms is our right to show our discontent with the current government. Burning the flag is one of those displays of anger. And it is protected under the freedom of speech. I don’t see any congressmen or senators trying to ban KKK rallies with their Nazi hate speech, why should we ban flag burning? It’s the same type of displaying the 1st amendment. It’s gotten to the point that if you even think of doing anything to the flag you are instantly branded as a “terrorist” even if you are displaying it hanging upside down or letting it hit the ground. Please. Do grow up and let it go already. I fail to see how burning the flag harms anyone. The world is not all black and white, and we can no longer think in such “one or the other” terms. I’m as patriotic as the next guy, but if I decide to march in a peace parade and burn an effigy of president bush, does that make me a terrorist? No. It makes me an American citizen who is allowed by my very rights to show discontent for the current governmental system.
And this gets back to my first argument. When did all of these topics become hot button issues? Oh wait, I remember now, we have a mid term election coming up this year and the republicans are starting to feel the heat of all their bad mistakes from the past. Monetary mismanagement at the highest levels, bribes, getting in bed with some of the most greedy motherfuckers in the country, and backing a failed war in the middle east have put a stain on the republican party. They need to come out all moral so they can galvanize their cracker whitey base. They need to show Jesusland that they are all for the sanctity of marriage, even though the numbers are heavily skewed. They need to show that they think all life is sacred and that they are pro life, even though they are pro death by sending thousands of American soldiers into a new Vietnam. And they need to show they are patriotic citizens who hate terrorists, because if you burn a flag you are unpatriotic and that classifies you as a terrorist.
So get ready for the mid terms, where you’ll hear a lot of folks in the Republican party start coming out with all of these topics more and more to distract you from the realities of the situation. They will bring up how moral and Christian and patriotic they are, all the while trying to distract us from the untenable war in Iraq, record poverty, rising gas prices, a trillion dollar deficit, the growing crisis in Israel, the growing crisis with North Korea, the mounting debt to the Chinese, and the fact that our status in the world is in the shitter because of our stupid fucking moron of a president. Hey, George: SHE’S THE CHANCELLOR OF GERMANY FOR FUCKS SAKE! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? SHE WASN’T A CONGRESSIONAL STAFFER, SHE’S THE LEADER OF GERMANY! HELLO?! What did you think she was going to do? Also, next time you talk. Do it with your mouth empty, not snacking like a homeless guy at an all you can eat buffet. And you wonder why people in this country are embarrassed? Why don’t you start acting like a statesman instead of a down home idiot cowboy from now on? Grow up already, you’re acting like a fucking 15 year old, not the president of the strongest country in the world. Can you do that for us please?
Here endeth the rant.