Monday, April 09, 2007

Just more stuff that's pissing me off.

This rant is a catch up for a lot of stuff that's been building up and I finally decided to put it all out there. I've also been dealing with a shoulder injury lately that keeps me from writing for a long time. This one's been building up. And if you feel insulted or upset by this, then deal with it. I'm not in charge of you, and you can stop reading at any time. Got it? Okay here goes.

Those evil cartoons, roll one up kids, Tom's doin' it so it must be cool.
Turner broadcasting is going back through old cartoons from the past 50 years and getting rid of all the incidences of smoking by cartoon characters. This is prompted by a complaint by one, yes, ONE, single, not plural, person that thinks showing tom and jerry rolling a cigarette sends the wrong message to the kids and glamorizes smoking. Sure, ok. That makes sense. Why don't we just burn all the cartoons. Get rid of all this history, and tell the kids that we can't let them see these offensive animated shorts. I mean, hell, there's all kinds of other things in the cartoons to be upset about, racial stereotypes, drug use, drinking, death, murder, prostitution, sex, and mail fraud. Why stop with cartoons though? Why not just go with all printed media and video? I mean, every time I watch Pulp Fiction I want to shoot up heroin, do we need to get rid of that movie too?
In all the world, we have a civil war raging in Iraq, we have record homelessness, kids dying of starvation in the United States, an illegal wire tapping law created by the most evil fucking president in the history of our country but yet here is this woman, Betty Q. Stickintheass, who decides to go on a quest to end smoking in cartoons. Way to go lady, way to go. Way to be hypersensitive. Fucking idiot. Give me a break.
Now, you're asking me "Well, how do you know it's a woman?" the article said simply "viewer" so there was no talk of gender. Trust me I know. It's easy to tell. Do you really think a guy would take the time to call Turner broadcasting, or write a letter to the board of directors and complain about something as insignificant as this? No. We'd be laughing along with the kids when Tom rolls a cigarette with one hand because it's cool, it's savvy, and he's trying to impress a broad. (See, that's what they used to call women back in the 30's and 40's. broads, dames, chicks. But apparently you can't use those words anymore for fear of getting beaten by the feminists out there)
Here's the reasoning behind the decision to cut the smoking parts from cartoons and edit out the past. It may lead children to think smoking is glamorous. So, they'll start smoking too because Tom and Jerry do it. That's it. Pretty ridiculous huh? Really, would anyone in their right mind decide to start smoking simply because a cartoon character showed them it was cool? No. I smoke. I'm not advocating smoking here, but the reason I started was not by watching a cartoon. I was stressed out after an emotional upheaval in my life and a friend gave me a cigarette. It felt good and after a while I just kept doing it. There. No cartoons, no cigarette ads, just the good old marital separation. So before you start on this cause of banning smoking in cartoons, try this: call your congressman instead and tell him to do something about the escalation in Iraq. And grab a cig while you're at it. It might alleviate the stress of having to deal with a politician anyway.

An inconvenient Truth, quoted for Truthiness, and why I'm so fucking sick of the creationists out there.
Okay, here goes. Recently in Seattle, a school banned the showing of "an Inconvenient Truth" because…wait for it… it didn't show the accurate truth of the bible and the "theory" of creation. Here's a quote. Which I will break down for the absolute stupidity of the whole thing. Okay here goes.
"Condoms don't belong in school, and neither does Al Gore. He's not a schoolteacher," said Frosty Hardison, a parent of seven who also said that he believes the Earth is 14,000 years old. "The information that's being presented is a very cockeyed view of what the truth is. ... The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in the DVD."
Alrighty then. "condoms don't belong in school" really? Because I could really have used a few when I was galavanting around in high school. I'm sure a lot of kids would be happy to get a few condoms from teachers. Raging hormones and unprotected sex is adding yearly to the teen pregnancy and STD levels. What's so wrong with sex? What do these people have against teenagers going to town in the back of mom's minivan after soccer practice?! Is it affecting you? No! so shut up about it, and give the kids some condoms. They'll thank you later when you don't become a grandparent in your early 30s. "Al Gore is not a schoolteacher." Hmmm… that's interesting, because he is a lawyer, and a former Vice president, and was elected president before Katherine Harris was bought off by the republican death machine. I would think that gives him the right to tell us what he thinks about global warming, since he has done the fucking research. Frosty, (and here we have another uptight woman, because I don't see a parent naming a boy child "Frosty") have you done the research about the revalation? Oh right, you read the bible, a collection of stories written by monks a long time ago and saying the earth was created out of nothing in 7 days. Sure that's a good tale but you know what Frosty? IT'S A FUCKING BOOK! IT'S ALL MYTH AND FABLES! If you think for one minute that all the stuff in the bible is true, you are so sadly mistaken I pray for your children. I really do. The shit you're putting into their brain is going to make them look like idiots when they get out into the real world.
"The information that's being presented is a very cockeyed view of what the truth is…"
Talk about Truthiness, the creation myth in the bible is one of those stories that has been sold to the world as the Truth, when science has proven it wrong on so many levels. I'm surprised we still have an old testament. "The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in the DVD." Of course its not Frosty. And do you know why? BECAUSE ITS NOT THE TRUTH! And it has no relationship with what Al Gore's message is! He's saying that we produce greenhouse gasses that are creating massive climate change. He's not talking about the Revelation. He's talking about the destruction of our ecosystem and the pollution of the air and seas. There's no reason to bring up ANYTHING about the Revelation because it's irrelevant to the fucking discussion, moron! You want to talk about blood raining from the skies, the number of the beast and the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, do it in Sunday school. Me, I'd rather have my kids watch a show about something that is relevant to them, is happening right now, and SHOULD be discussed! Why would you deny your children knowledge of what they have to deal with in another 20 years? Scientists agree we've got 10 or 20 years left before we get to a point of a massive shift in climate. Your children are going to have to deal with this Frosty. They aren't going to have to deal with the four horsemen, unless you want to equate the metaphor for massive plague, war, famine and death. So my advice to you, Frosty, is that you sit down, shut the fuck up, and let your school system do its job and teach the truth to the kids. Keep your bible out of our school system and your creationist theory in your own home, not the classroom. You're wrong, the teacher is right, and Al Gore is correct. And that is the Truth, sorry it's so Inconvenient for you to hear.

The escalation Theory, and the Brainless White House
I'll just come right out and say it. George, you're wrong. 27. I want you to remember that number. 27%. That's your approval rating right now. One week after the speech, and only 27% of Americans think you're doing a "heckuva job". My question is this: where are these 27 people out of a hundred that like you? I'm thinking they are made up of family members and Saudi Americans because the folks I'm talking to in my neighborhood think this newest strategy stinks of Vietnam. Also, 20,000 troops, that's it? That's all you have left? Way to go, send a message of the most dominant military in the world. 20,000 new raw recruits, barely out of basic training and you're sending them into one of the most dangerous places on the planet with no combat training. Do us a favor, give them all bodybags because they're going to need them. And pray for the families right now, get it over with so you don't have to later on. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING GEORGE?! All of your advisers warned against this. All the people you asked have told you to get the fuck out of Iraq and you still want to send more guys into harms way. For what? Yes, we all know it's the oil and the no bid contracts for haliburton and the Saudi oil money, you can come right out and say it. Come clean and we might, just might, decide to like you a bit better. Maybe not though you lying Prick. I'm really surprised that the American people have not risen up as one and marched into the white house, dragged you out of bed, and shot you in the fuckin' brain pan by now. Clinton gets a hummer from a government clerk and you people want to bring him down for it. You start a war, kill thousands of innocent people, give money to fat cat wealthy business men, rape the poor for as much money as possible then throw them away like trash, (or let nature do the trick for you. "Heckuva Job" by the way.), and you haven't been taken out of office by now? HOW DO YOU FUCKING SLEEP AT NIGHT YOU EVIL SADISTIC FUCK?! Okay, I'm done now. I think I've vented enough. I'll probably get a call from the secret service or a million creationists, but that's okay. I feel I've done my job today. Here endeth the rant.